Feat : Game launcher : Support “hybrid” platform games for automatic start (Detect automatically either windows store or steam) : FH4, FM8. Feat : Added Smartcool LCD support (with partial draws disabled out of box). Feat : It’s now possible to define car class color overrides in a dashboard. Feat : BestSessionSplits and BestSessionSplitsSameClass addition (and related ncalc/js functions). Feat : WPF chart rendering rewrite from the ground to get it lighter on dashboards. Feat : Added result caching optimization of formula results using repeatindex (benefits in high number repetitions contexts such as leaderboards). Feat : Moved global simhub settings in a child window. Feat : Single class race does not override anymore the map dot colors. Feat : Dash studio refresh rate setting rework and tips.
Added Forza Motorsport 23 track id support (allowing to keep track of generated maps).Added Forza Motorsport 23 Tyre wear support.Fixed Forza Motorsport 23 UDP data alignment.Feat : added method getleaderboardcarclassopponentscount.Feat : Raw screens (Vocore, usbd480) now also appears as “standard devices”.
Feat : Added more devices status logging,. Fix : Standard windows Fonts embedded in dash cleaning could crash dash imports due to file locks (does not happen on all computers apparently). Fix : Forza Motorsport 23 : force reset map between races and/or disconnects. Feat : Improved dash font extraction speed and duplicate checking (both speed and accuracy). Car class automatic color assignation fix. Help and Documentation – Bug reports and features requests – Previous releases Recent changes 9.1.5 –